Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Copyright and Fair Use Movie Examples

1.)   A Parody is considered fair use
2.)   A particular use is more likely to be considered fair when the copied work is factual rather than creative.
3.)   Art is considered fair use
4.)   The Best Practices Guide will help you to figure out if your likely to be protected by fair use, and how to respond
5.)   Make sure your use of copyright material is transformative, the amount you use is proportional, and always give credit to your sources.

This will defiantly help me when doing my project. If I put a lot of facts in my presentation, it is less likely that I will be copyrighting. I also can’t make my video exactly like other videos on YouTube. I have to transform them into something completely different. Secondly, I have to make sure I don’t overuse other people’s information or work, and make sure there is a good balance between my voice and theirs. Lastly, I have to make sure to give everyone they credit they deserve when I do use their material. 

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